![]() Johannes
Hermandus Julius
Kayser was born in Harlingen (Fr) in 1842. About his youth nothing is
known. Nor seems the actual spelling of his familyname to be known;
several documents refer to him as Kaijser, while in other older sources
the name Keyzer can be found. The following is a list of Kayser's work. It's still incomplete. |
1872-1873 Maastricht-St. Pieter (L): church H. Petrus
Kayser's first church. Three-aisled cruciform basilica. Square tower with corner turrets. |
1873-1876 Sittard (L): pilgrims church O.L. Vrouw van het H. Hart
1873-1874 Koningsbosch (L): convent Liefdezusters van het Kostbaar Bloed
Complex in a combination of neo-Renaissance and neo-Gothic styles. |
1875-1877 Oud-Caberg (L): church H. Hart van Jezus Small one-aisled neo-Gothic church with short rectangular choir. Several changes later; tower designed by W. Sprenger added in 1900, choir altered by A.J.N. Boosten in 1936-1937. |
1877-1878 Posterholt (L): church H. Matthias Cruciform basilican church in neo-Gothic style, with square crossing tower and rectangular choir. Damaged in World War Two and demolished later. |
1877-1878 Merkelbeek (L): church H. Clemens Three-aisled hall-church resembling the Stufenhalle-type. Later a transept and new choir were added. |
1878-1880 Reuver (L): church H. Lambertus
Kaysers first church inspired by North-German Gothicism. Three-aisled basilica, with a stepped gable at the front of each of the aisles. Tower next to the church, rectangular choir. In 1907 Kayser built a new nave square on the old one, that now serves as a transept. The northern transept-arm is demolished. Kayser's son Jules added a new northern side-aisle in 1923. |
1878-1883 Herten (L): church H. Michaël Three-aisled cruciform church in neo-Gothic style, inspired by North-German Gothicism. Stepped gables at the front and transept. Work didn't start until 1881. Tower not completed until 1893. Church destroyed in World War Two. |
1878 Heerlen (L): town hall Demolished. No further details. |
1878-1879 Heerlen (L): chapel Savelbergconvent
Chapel in neo-Gothic style. |
1879 Venlo (L): restoration town hall Kayser executed this restoration for which P.J.H. Cuypers provided the plans. |
1880-1884 Venlo (L): public elementary school Building in neo-Renaissance style. Kayser most important profane work. |
1880-1881 Venlo (L): restoration monastery Transcedron and Collegium Albertinum No further details. |
1880-1884 Broekhuizenvorst (L): restoration church H. Naam Jezus No further details. |
1882 Meerssen (L): restoration church St. Bartholomeus Executed under supervision of P.J.H. Cuypers. Repairs and renewal of details, new crossing-tower. |
1882-1884 Rotterdam (ZH): church H. Verlosser en St. Barbara
Three-aisled cruciform church in neo-Gothic style, inspired by North-German Gothicism. Tower with corner-turrets. In the 1990's rebuilt into apartments, spire removed. |
1882 Sambeek (NB): extension Redemptorist convent New wing and chapel in neo-Gothic style. |
Roermond (L): Carmelite convent
complex with
chapel in neo-Gothic style. |
1884-1885 Venray (L): town hall Building in combined neo-Gothic and neo-renaissance styles, with stepped gables. Extended by Jules Kayser in 1925. |
1884-1887 Holset (L): restoration church H.H. Lambertus en Genoveva Included replacement of large parts of the walls and reconstruction of the Romanesque windows. |
1885-1886 Broekhuizen (L): restoration church St. Nicolaas No further details. |
Maastricht (L): cemetery chapel ![]() Octagonal chapel in neo-Gothic style. |
1886 Smakt (L): church H. Jozef Small three-aisled church without tower. Damaged in World War Two, repaired later but in 1967 demolished. |
1886-1888 Wellerlooi (L): church H. Catharina Small one-aisled church without tower. Stepped gables at the front and the back. Destroyed in World War Two. |
1887-1888 Borgharen (L): church H. Cornelis
Cruciform basilican church in neo-Gothic style inspired by 13th-century French Gothicism. Frontal tower. Only church by Kayser with polygonally closed transept-arms. Transept and choir are seperated from each other by a stepped gable. Until 1979 named St. Martinus. |
1887-1888 Holtum (L): church H. Martinus
Three-aisled basilican church in neo-Romanesque style, incorporating a heightened medieval tower. |
1887-1888 Rijckevoort (NB): church St. Rochus One-aisled church in neo-Gothic style. Replaced a 16th-century chapel. Extended in 1927 by J. Franssen. Side-aisles and baptistry added by J. Strik in 1955. Spire simplified in ca. 1985. |
1889 Schinveld (L): church H. Eligius Three-aisled cruciform church in neo-Gothic style incorporating an older tower. The tower is replaced by Kayser in 1903. |
1890-1895 Wittem (L): Redemptorist monastery
Complex in neo-Gothic style, incorporating a 18th-century Baroque church. |
1890-1891 Altforst (G): church St. Donatus
One-aisled church in neo-Romanesque style. |
1890 Maasbracht (L): church H. Gertrudis Three-aisled church in neo-Gothic style, inspired by North-German Gothicism, incorporating a Romanesque tower. Stepped gables at side-aisles, transept and choir. Rectangular choir with lateral chapels. Destroyed in 1944. |
1890 Maastricht (L): chapel Ursuline convent
Basilical chapel in neo-Gothic style inspired by North-German Gothicism. Stepped gables at the front and back of the nave. Choir with ambulatory. Buttresses and flying buttresses support the building. |
1890 Merselo (L): church H. Johannes de Doper
Most of the nave of a medieval chapel is replaced by a new one-aisled nave with stepped gables at the front and back. Octagonal stair-turret at the side. |
1891-1892 Beek (G): enlargement church St. Bartholomeus
Enlargement in neo-Renaissance style of a church in neo-Classical style. Kayser added a fourth aisle and a pseudo-transept with tower. |
1891-1893 Vaals (L): church H. Paulus Bekering
Three-aisled church in neo-Gothic style, inspired by North-German Gothic. |
1895 Roermond (L): church Kapel in 't Zand
One-aisled church in neo-Gothic style. Originally the front had turrets at its corners, which were damaged by a storm in 1940. The original steeple was already damaged by storm in 1921 and replaced by a simpler version. Stepped gable between nave and choir. |
1898 Schijndel (NB): chapel St. Jozef convent Chapel in neo-Gothic style. |
1899 Eijsden (L): school Three storeys high building in neo-Renaissance style. Part of an Ursuline convent. |
1899- 1900 Maastricht (L): church convent Onder de Bogen Three-aisled cruciform church in neo-Gothic style. |
Zwolle (Ov):
H. Thomas Aquinas![]() Big complex with church in neo-Gothic style. |
1900-1901 Nijmegen (G): church Maria Geboorte Three-aisled nave. The church is completed in 1923-1924 by Jules Kayser, who adds transept, choir and front. |
1901-1903 Velp (NB): extension St. Alfonsis convent New wing in sober neo-Gothic style. |
1902 Boxmeer (NB): Hotel De Boomgaard Building in neo-Renaissance style. Probably by Kayser. |
1904 Sint-Michielsgestel (NB): villa Ruwenbergstraat 4 Former mayor's house. No further details. |