(NB): Maria ten
Hemelopneming (H.C. van de Leur, 1931-1932 & 1954-1957)
history of the church
of Beugen begins around the year 1420, when a Gothic church
was built. In 1879 this church was restored and enlarged by
P.J.H. Cuypers. Little is known about Cuypers' restoration, but
possibly he transformed the former pseudo-basilica into a basilica. He
did cover the church with brick vaults.
In 1931-1932 the church
was enlarged by H.C. van de Leur. He extended the nave with a
transept, and to the choir a straight ambulatory was added, flanked by
two small chapel-like structures, one of which is a sacristy.
In 1944 German
soldiers blew up the tower, also destroying the nave. The transept and
choir survived and H.C. van de Leur was commissioned to design a new
nave and tower. These new parts were modelled after their predecessors
and were built in the 1950's. The side-aisles were built wider and
chapels were built on both sides of the tower. In the end only the apse
of the choir remains of the original church, and nothing of Cuypers'
restoration remains. Apart from the apse, the entire church was
designed by Van de Leur.