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Groningen (Gr): St. Franciscus van Assisië (H.C. van de Leur, 1932-1934)




When in 1930 a new parish was founded in Groningen, it was decided that the new church was to be built in a style similar to that of two new churches in Leerdam and Eindhoven. Both these churches were designed by French monk and architect Dom Bellot and his assistent H.C. van de Leur. Bellot had by that time returned to France, and therefore Van de Leur was commissioned instead to design the church. It's a three-aisled church in the same Expressionist style Bellot and Van de Leur had used before. However, due to lack of money concessions had to be made. The tower was built shorter than originally intended, the side-aisles were given gables with tall windows and at the front a polygonal portal was built with a balcony for the choir. Instead of vaults the church was covered by wooden ceilings, although these are supported by brick arches, much like Van de Leur did before with his church in Vorstenbosch. Like in the case of that church, only the choir is vaulted.







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