(G): St. Caecilia (C.A. Hardeman, 1931-1932)

developed in the
18th century around a barn-church, aimed at the catholics of nearby
Neede. The barn-church was replaced by a more church-like building in
1836, which itself was replaced in 1931.
The current
St. Caecilia was designed by architect C.A. Hardeman and is one of his
most important works. It's a combination of a cruciform pseudo-basilica
and a centralizing church; it has a short three-aisled nave, at the
front of which is a lower narthex, and a large central space
with a ground-plan with the shape of a stretched octagon, which is
surrounded by several chapels. Behind the central space is a polygonal
choir. At the front, next to the narthex, is a slim and tall tower
which consists of a square lower part and
three octagonal segments. On top is a distinctive spire, the
shape of which is repeated in the steeple at the crossing. At the other
side of the narthex is a baptistry. The entire church was built in
Traditionalist style, but with Neo-Gothic as well as Expressionist
elements. In 2009-2010 the building was restored.