Zuidbroek (Gr):
reformed church or St. Petrus
church dates from the end of the 13th century, when Romanogothic
architecture reached its height. The walls are horizontally divided
in two zones, of which the upper one is the biggest, allowing
for taller windows and niches than before. In the lower zone
are blind pointed niches. The eastern walls of the transept and
the choir have small circular niches within these pointed niches,
some of which are windows.
The church is one aisle wide and has a transept and a rectangular
choir. When C.H. Peters in 1915 restored the church he replaced
the eastern facade, which had been much altered in 1730, by a
copy of the western one, in an attempt to restore the church
back to its original state. This restoration also included the
removal of all plaster from the outside and the reconstruction
of the entrances in the transept. Inside most of the plaster
was removed as well, with the exception of the murals.
Not unusual in this region for churches from this period is that
the tower stands at some distance from the church. This tower
is about as old as the church but was rebuilt in 1709.