Marsum (Gr): church
must be one of the smallest churches in the Netherlands. It's
also special for its location, as there are only a very few houses
in this place, which no doubt once was a village of more importance
than it is now. The decay of the village was probably this church's
resque; there was no need to enlarge it, let alone replace it.
Suffice to say it has been closed as a church for a long time
now, and is now occasionally used for cultural purposes.
The church dates from the end of the 12th century, and represent
a stage in the regional Romanesque style in which the use of
tuff has been replaced by that of brick. It's a simple church,
consisting of a single-aisled nave, a half-round apse and a modest
tower with a saddle-roof. Despite a few rebuilts and repairs,
the building is still surprisingly original. The roof even still
has rooftiles of the medieval type. The interior was furnished
according to the protestant fashion of the 17th and 18th centuries,
with a simple wooden ceiling and whitepainted walls. Traces of
two former entrances can be found as well; these were closed
during a restoration in 1949-1951, when the church needed repairing
from war damage, and the former entrance through the tower was
reopened. During this restoration also the buttresses at the
tower were removed, which had been added in 1808.