Kloosterburen (Gr): St. Willibrordus (P.J.H. Cuypers, 1868-1869)
The St. Willibrordus of Kloosterburen was P.J.H. Cuypers second assignment in the province of Groningen, but as the construction of the church in Sappemeer was delayed, it became the first to be built. It replaced a previous church dating from 1842. The church is in sober neo-Gothic syle. Although the nave is configured as a three-aisled basilica, all aisles are covered by a single roof and a clerestorey is missing; instead light was provided by dormer-windows. In 1969 these were removed and replaced by simple flat windows. East of the nave is a pseudo-transept which is lower than the nave. In 1903-1904 the original straight choir was replaced by the current bigger and polygonal one by J. Cuypers and J. Stuyt.