(Dr): reformed church
church of Vledder, until the Reformation named St. Johannes de Doper,
is a one-aisled church woith a narrower choir and a saddle-roof tower.
The church replaced a wooden chapel which had been founded in c. the
year 1000. The oldest part of the current church is the
which was built in the 14th. A little unusual for this period is that
it was built in Romanesque style, with a frieze of round arches gracing
the border between the lower segment and the second. Because both the
third and fourth segments have sounding-holes, it seemsthe tower was
originally three segments tall.
In the 15th century the Gothic choir was built, followed by the nave in
the same style. In 1621 the church was damaged by fire and the roof had
te be replaced. More drastic changes were made to the
building in
1820. The precise details of these are unknown, but most changes will
have been made undone during a restoration in 1952-1954. In that period
traceries were added to the windows and the three closed windows of the
apse were reopened. Also the entrances
in the east, south and north sides were closed. At the west side of the
tower a closed entrance was reopened, which now serves as the main
entrance to the church.