Tonge (ZH): reformed church
This church was founded in
1499. As typical for this region it was built on a circular churchyard,
which was surrounded by a wide moat. Unlike in nearby Nieuwe Tonge the
moat no longer exists. Unique for this island is that this church was
built entirely of brick, except for the traceries in the windows.
The choir is the oldest part of the church and was built shortly after
the foundation. Early in the 16th century the tower and the nave were
built. While the choir and tower are standing in the same line the nave
has a slightly different axis, reason why it is believed to have been
preceded by another nave, which therefore cannot have lasted for very
long. The nave consists of two aisles of equal height and width.
In 1953 the church was damaged by the big flood. During a restoration
in 1963-1967 the damage was repaired. However, most of the building is
still original. A later addition is the top of the tower, which dates
from the 19th century but was adapted to accomodate a carrillon during
the restoration.