Leiden (ZH): Hooglandse
kerk or St. Pancras
Hooglandse kerk or St. Pancras is an unfinished Gothic church
with a few remnants of its Romanesque predecessor. The first
St. Pancras was build from wood in 1315, but this building was
soon replaced by a stone one, which itself was to make place
for a much bigger, Gothic church after a chapter of 24 canons
had been assigned to the church in 1366. Construction of this
new church took place from 1377 until the mid-16th century, when
work stopped altogether. The church fell in protestant hands
in 1572. The only parts completed are the choir and the transept.
The nave was only partially completed, with just the side-aisles
but no clerestory. The front and tower of the old Romanesque
church were never replaced. Foundations found a bit to the west
of the tower indicate that the nave was planned to be longer
than it is now. The church was intended to have stone vaults.
Traces of the necessary flying buttresses are evident in the
gables of the nave. During the iconoclastic riots of 1566 most
of the archives of the church were destroyed, leaving little
evidence of which architects were involved in the construction
of this church. Names of those that are likely to have been involved
are those of Cornelis de Wael, Everaert Spoorwater and Rombout
II Keldermans.