Langerak (ZH): reformed

The church of Langerak is an aisleless cruciform pseudo-basilica in
Gothic style. The choir probably dates from the 15th century and is
narrower than the nave, which is quite wide for an aisleless church. It was built in a very modest Gothic style and
has several narrow windows. The robust tower was built in ca. 1500 and
was not completed. It is partly flanked by parts of the nave.The
nave and the lower transept were probably built in ca. 1540.
Unusual for this part of the
country, is that the church mostly survived the Reformation and the
period after that in its complete medieval form. However, during the
entire 19th century the maintenance on the building had been neglected,
and by 1905 the church was in such a terrible state that plans were made to
demolish the church and replace it by a new one. However, instead it was
decided to restore the church. Work began in 1911 and was completed a
year later. The church was restored once more in 1967-1969.