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Loon op Zand (NB): St. Jans' Onthoofding




Several changes have altered this originally medieval church. The oldest part of the church is the choir, which is lower and narrower than the nave. It dates from the late 14th-century and is almost completely hidden from view by H.W. Valk's additions from 1929 and later. The width of these two chapels together far extends that of the transept. In 1890 C. Weber had already changed this pseudo-basilica into a basilica by adding three gables with windows on each side of the church. Weber probably also added the small bell-tower on the eastern facade.
The tower has been relatively spared, although the stair-turret was heightened in 1909. The tower dates from ca. 1450-1500 and is a fine example of 'Kempische Gothiek' (Campine Gothic, see Gothicism), a style of Gothicism that flourished in the Campine region of Brabant, and is typical for its towers which are predominantly made of brick, with natural stone added for decoration only, and with many blind niches serving as decoration.









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