History & styles

This section contains the finished chapters of what ultimately should become a complete illustrated history of religious architecture in the Netherlands. The chapters that are planned or under construction are already mentioned here to give some idea of what the final result should be like.


1 The Middle Ages
1.1 Romanesque (ca. 950-1250)

1.2 Romanogothicism (ca. 1250-ca. 1350)
1.3 Gothicism (1254-ca. 1600)

2 Reformation and Republic 1566-1794
2.1 Converted churches (1577-1794)

2.2 The first protestant churches (1597-1794)
2.3 Continued Catholicism (1566-1794)

3 Religious freedom and polarisation 1795-1900
3.1 Restitution and restoration (1795-1900)
3.2 Neo-Classicism & Waterstaatstijl (ca.1795-1860)

3.3 Early Neo-Gothicism in religious architecture (1823-ca. 1870)
3.4 Neo-Gothicism (ca. 1850-1914)
3.5 The other neo-styles (ca. 1850-1900)


4 The 20th century
4.1 Protestant architecture between Rationalism and Jugendstil (ca. 1895-1925)

4.2 Neo-Romanesque
4.3 Religious expressionistic architecture (ca. 1910-1930)

4.4 Traditionalism and the Delft School
4.4 Functionalism



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