Steenwijksmoer (Dr): St. Franciscus van Assisi (J.G.A. van Dongen,
was founded at the end of the 18th century. As the first part of its
name suggests the village belonged to the lords of Steenwijk (Ov) then,
while the second part of the village's name refers to the peatery, the
reason for its existence. The population always was mostly catholic and
until 1932 belonged to the parish of Coevorden. In 1930 preparations
for the founding of a seperate parish began. Soon enough money had been
collected for a church, which was built in 1931-1932. Architect Jan van
Dongen jr. designed a church in Traditionalist
style, closely related to that of the Delft School. A remarkable
feature is the tower above the choir. Due to expected growth of the
village the church was bigger than necessary at that time. This growth
however turned out to be only temporary.